Running a business can be a very time consuming project, as well as a money pit. For many small businesses, either starting out or established, juggling the finances can be a bit of a burden. Those on a smaller budget struggle the most, and a great place to start shaving spend off of your budget is to look into cost effective methods of marketing that don’t involve throwing all your cash into it. Here we take a more detailed look at some of the ways you can get the word out about your company without eating away at your profits.
There is nothing more powerful than word of mouth to get people talking. Try talking to some of the other local businesses to see if they could do with your services. Chances are you could get some good business out of it, and it creates a more solid relationship with them and the community. As long as you’re doing an excellent job then people will eventually hear all about your great service and impeccable skills.
Attend Industry Related Events
It’s always good to eye up the competition and see what is happening in your world. Meeting up with like minded business types can really help give you the knowledge needed to be one step ahead. If you really hit it off with a few important competitors they might even give you one of two leads or even outsource some of their own work if they’re bogged down. It’s also an ideal opportunity to give out a couple of business cards.
Everyone is online these days, and companies are no exception to the rule. Sites like Facebook and Twitter have been helping small businesses globally for years now, and offer an almost unlimited audience. Simply by sharing quirky links or creating special offers you can attract a lot of new faces. Many of these sites also offer advertising packages, which can work well if you’ve got a few extra pennies.
The cost of advertising can get astoundingly high if you invest in expensive flyer and business card deals, and aren’t as cost effective as you might think. Many independent shops and offices have taken to creating their own advertising materials simply by getting their hands dirty and being more creative. Depending on your sector you may already have resources you can recycle and repurpose into clever advertising items.
For more advice on how to save money around the office or to see what others suggest why not have a look around online for more guides and articles.