The move to a paperless system is one liable to mistakes, especially for a busy accountancy firm with mounds of files on record. However, in an increasingly online dominated arena, the paperless move is one necessary to keep up with…
A business forecast is an estimate of a company’s future performance, principally relating to its income, expenditure and profits. An effective forecast model will also gauge economic trends and environmental factors that can influence these basic calculations. All types…
No matter the size of your business, being fully aware of your income and expenditure is of paramount importance. If the accountancy spreadsheets are unbalanced, or you’re simply unaware of certain outgoings, profit margin and the company itself will suffer.
With the upcoming digital tax makeover soon to be upon us, business owners across the UK should be aware of their new responsibilities when dealing with HMRC. The system is currently being phased in and set for universal coverage by…
Every employer in the UK must place their staff into a pension scheme and make contributions into it. This is known as ‘automatic enrolment’ and became a legal requirement under the 2008 Pensions Act.
Before registering a company in the UK, you will need to consider which trading form suits your type of business. There are various aspects to take into account before you reach a final decision, including industry regulations and tax considerations.
As a business owner, you must decide if you want to register your company for VAT. This is compulsory for companies with a taxable turnover of £83,000 or higher, although you can still register voluntarily if your turnover is less…